Leaving...[Entry #28: Aug 08, 2011]

[Above: A little used stairwell leading down away from the top of Doi Suttep]

        So today is my last day in Thailand, later tonight I fly out from Chiang Mai to Bangkok, then off to Seoul, Korea then back to Chicago! I am very excited about coming home, although the trip is ending a bit earlier then predicted I want to take a moment to revisit my initial intention in coming to Thailand in the first place. When I told people I was coming to Thailand, they asked me first why, then what I will do and how long I will go for. My answer to these questions was the same over and over but very few people heard what I was saying, I wanted to come to Thailand to get better clarity on my life and myself, to help me select a direction and obtain clarity for what I want and what I want to do with my life. I would then explain that if I stay for a long time (say a year or two) that I would most likely work as an English instructor as it is an easy job to procure for native English speakers. I further increased my chances of being able to obtain this type of work by getting a TEFL certification, which may indeed come in handy in the future, as I am not entirely sure I will not to fall back on this skill set. But my intention was never to move to Thailand indefinitely to teach English, that was just going to be my job, not my life's path and goal.

       So looking back now, I see my first post about what I wanted to accomplish. I feel that my trip has been a resounding success! Every single one of the points has in at least some small way been accomplished. I have created lasting impressions with local peoples, I have spread generosity and kindness when possible, forged friendships that will last for many years to come and had a brilliant series of experiences which have intrinsically changed me. I have a direction I want to go in my life, and goals I want to accomplish, I feel the confidence in direction and I feel amazing about the experience I have been fortunate enough to have. Very few people in their life times have experiences as powerful and beautiful as what I have experienced throughout these short travels. I do not want to leave, I do not want to leave my new friends behind, and move away from this beautiful place and deliciously fresh food, but I honestly feel I am merely putting my time in Thailand on hold. That I have a new home, and new friends who care about my well being. Having that kind of support endears a place to your heart so extensively it is difficult to describe. There have been many unexpected positive changes in my life also since coming to Thailand, I have lost weight at least 3 inches in my waist, (although I do not know the exact amount of pounds/kg lost) I have also started creating art again. I am inspired to do work, even if others do not appreciate it again, the beauty of this place is pouring out of my soul and I have to direct it back in some meaningful way. I have been eating healthier again and even doing some light exercise to benefit my health, and honestly I can say that I am just a happier and more genuinely complete person in this moment. I am assured and confident in my my choices, and although my future for returning home whether it be relationships, school or work I have no idea how everything will work out, I feel anxious for my next adventure!

        Unfortunately this is likely to be the last post for a little while, as I will be returning from this 'vacation' of self discovery. I will be going back to Illinois to a 'regular' life, but my hope is that my sense of wonder and curiosity is continuous and even in familiar areas I will be able to explore and have new adventures. If you have taken the time to read any of these posts, I want to thank you for taking time to share in part of this experience with me. I hope that I will be able to do this again, and be able to share more of my travel and world experiences with everyone.